Website Portal and Android Apps Updated

by | May 20, 2016 | Gas Engineer Software

There have a been a few updates to the website portal and to the Android App.

For the website there is nothing you need to do as your software is automatically updated for you.
But for the Android App you may need to click on the image below to update it.

Website Portal Updates

Fixed Issue with Downloading Invoice Data from the Invoice screen.

Android Apps Updates

Updated UI to more standardised button sizes and colours over different device sizes and shapes.

Update – Signature is a lot easier to enter on smaller devices.

Update – Can enter the current date on the Minor Electrical Works.

Updated flue types for Oil Appliances to match website.

Bug – Full address is now shown under Job Address on Calendar.

Bug – Recipient Status was saving incorrectly on the CD12.

Bug – Gas Rate Calculator no longer clears the appliance location field.

Bug – Draft Invoices now sync between different devices and the website.

I hope you find these updates useful.

All the very best and enjoy your weekend!