Updates for Gas Engineer Software – September 2020

by | Sep 4, 2020 | Gas Engineer Software

Hello there! Autumn is right around the corner, and we thought we’d talk to you about some of the changes and improvements we’ve made to Gas Engineer Software as we head into your busiest time of the year.

As you may have seen on our social media, our integration with Anton went live recently! This integration allows you to pull readings from your Anton FGA straight into a Gas Safety Record on Gas Engineer Software, helping you save time and cut down on data entry mistakes. The integration is available on all iOS devices, and if you’re on Android we’re slowly making it available to users as part of a much larger update. You can read more about it here.

Otherwise, many of the changes this month are behind-the-scenes, as we work to make the software even more reliable no matter what device you choose to use it on.

Take a look down below for a full breakdown of the 5 releases and 23 individual changes we made this month.

All of these updates and improvements are from your feedback and suggestions.

As always, thank you for your ongoing support.

Kind Regards

Tulloch Priest
And all the team at
Gas Engineer Software.

Web Portal Updates

(1 release – current version 1.24.5)

• Increased the size of the template list drop down to show more options
• Introduced back-end changes for our integration with Xero
• Fixed an issue that resulted in auto-complete suggestions being displayed for the invoice template search field
• Introduced several back-end improvements

iOS App Updates

(3 release – current version 5.6.4)

• Introduced improvements to the sync speed
• VAT % is now retained between line items, saving you time inputting the same information
• Date selection for events now displays the day of the week
• It’s now possible to create line items with negative sums
• The “Nozzle (pattern)” field on the CD/11 now displays an alpha-numeric keyboard
• Resolved some cases in which the unsaved changes alert would not display

Android App Updates

(1 release – current version 6.0.6)

We’re in the process of giving our brand new Android app a final polish right now! We’re grateful for existing users’ feedback, and we’re excited for the rest of you to try it out soon. The below updates are for the newest version of the app:

• Users can now add negative line items to invoices within the app
• Altered the alignment of the UI based on user feedback
• Adjusted calendar events so they always appear in the correct order
• Users without the office/calendar roles will no longer be able to see all events
• Users with the restricted role will no longer be able to see all events under Existing Records & Drafts
• Various other tweaks and bug fixes based on user feedback