Save time and look more professional with our ready-to-go email templates
Too many people – both in and out of the gas engineering industry – approach email with a “good enough” mindset, allowing emails full of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors to go out to their customers on a daily basis.
That’s why it’s easy to stand out from the competition with Gas Engineer Software’s professional email templates.
Whether you’re sending a confirmation email along with a completed certificate, or you’re sending an annual service reminder to an existing customer, we offer a range of templates to suit you best.
You can send them as they are – written by a knowledgeable member of our team – or you can edit them to match your own preferences. They’ll even intelligently add a customer’s name and contact details where needed without you having to lift a finger!
Take your first steps toward looking more professional – sign up for a free 30-day trial today to get started.
Kind Regards
Oliver Spencer
And all the team at
Gas Engineer Software.