Massive App Update

by | Jul 7, 2014 | Gas Engineer Software

We are very excited to let you know that both Android, iPhone and iPad Apps have had a massive overhaul.

Not all of the changes are visible but we hope these changes will make the apps easier to use and also faster. Overall we think that this version is a huge step forward.

Please upgrade your Apps to take advantage of these changes.

View Jobs on Calendar

You can now view appointments that have been created on the website.

Within the appointments click on the customer’s phone number to text to call and click on the Job Address to bring up a map of the location.

Removed almost all Required Fields

The only required fields left are the ones which are need to make the software work.

Of the required fields that are still there we have tried to keep these to the absolute minimum.

Complete Rebuild the Syncing Code

Completely rebuilt the syncing code on the website and both apps.

The rebuilt apps will sync faster and will be able to handle syncing in poor mobile reception areas better.

There has also more data checking to ensure that the app works each and every time.

Please click on the links below to upgrade your App.



Thanks for everyone’s feedback and help improving the software.