Legionella Risk Assessment – Updated along with other Improvements and Fixes
This has been updated to provide more flexibility and also to make the workflow easier while you are onsite.
Invoices and Quotes
Invoices and Quotes now flow correctly over more than one page if you enter a large amount of text or line items.
Warning Certificates
You can now issue these without an appliance (if there is an issue with the meter or piping) via the website.
Sorting by Heading
When you click on the column heading on any of the lists (Customers, Job Address, Jobs and Invoices) it will now resort the lists.
Other Updates and Improvements
1) Fixed round issue with VAT on Invoices and Quotes.
2) CD11 update to allow more text without overflowing to the next page.
3) Gas and Oil Reports now include results over 12 month period.
3) Small bug fixed on Calendar with multiple engineers.
4) Small bug fix for updating the engineers card id number.
5) Deleted Certificates are not longer attached to invoice emails.
6) Added engineers ID Card number to the ND Leisure certificate.
7) Tidy up of the engineers profile screen.
8) Update to the column names on the Invoice page.