July 2022 Updates

by | Jul 28, 2022 | Gas Engineer Software

Web Portal Updates
(Current version 1.44.13)

  • Fix for new registration route, allowing users to sign-up without a username
  • Fix for Kibana logs both API / Mailman
  • Added the ability for PDFs to be attached for each email template type
  • Introduced changes to the back-end in preparation for new app functionality
  • Fixes for silent push notifications
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in user sessions expiring prematurely
  • Fixed an internal error that occurred when emails were received by the back-end
  • Fixed email validation on the password reset screen
  • Fixed Job Ref no not saving when converting an Estimate/Quote to a Quote/Invoice
  • Fixed inability to create new customer from new Job address
  • Fixed DB table ‘companystatuslogs’ not being populated
  • Show the list of active tokens of the user in the admin panel




iOS App Updates
(Current version 5.17.7)

  • Fixed a case that resulted in the job reference number entered on a job sheet being discarded
  • Fixed a rare case in which a sync error occurred prevented an email from sending successfully
  • Fixed crashed that occurred when attempting to issue a record during a sync
  • Introduced improvements to the sync process which will greatly improve the reliability

Android App Updates
urrent version 6.14.7)
  • Introduced the ability to mark an invoice as DRC from within the app
  • Streamlined sign-up process
  • Added an option to log out in the situation that the account has expired
  • Fixed missing details after creating a Warning Notice
  • Fixed a memory leak that resulted from using the bluetooth feature
  • Introduced a number of back-end changes which will improve the stability of the software
  • Fixed an error received when sending photos in bulk
  • Fixed cases in which attached photos would change their orientation
  • Fixed ‘:jobref’ not being replaced on emails
  • Introduced additional changes which will improve the stability of the software
  • Added Next Inspection Due Date field to Gas Safety records
  • Fixed cases where certain email addresses were not accepted by the software as being valid
  • Introduced a number of additional changes which will greatly improve the stability of the software