Gas Rate Calculator Icon on the Homeowner and Landlord Gas Safety Inspection pages

by | Mar 2, 2016 | Gas Engineer Software

We have updated the iPhone, iPad and Android Apps so there is now a Calculator Icon on the Homeowner and Landlord Gas Safety Inspection page along with a number of other updates. (see below for details) When you click on the Calculator Icon it will open up the Gas Rate Calculator.

Once you have finished, simply click on the ‘Back’ button and it will return you to the Inspection screen with the correct details in the Heat Input field.


Other Website Updates and New Features

1) When creating a new Jobsheet on the website it defaults to the logged in user.

2) Fixed download invoice data button which was affecting a small number of users.

3) Increased the space for comments on the Gas Service Record

4) Improved the signup process

Other Android Phone and Tablet New Features

1) Link to gas rate calculator from within Landlord and Homeowner Gas Safety Record

2) Option to click on customer’s phone number to call

3) Added :firstname variable to email templates

4) Option to remove photos

5) Added alarm on gas rate calculator when finished

6) Gas Rate Calculator now resets from the same location when stopped.

7) Added option ‘BF’ to the flue type on gas appliance

8) Added option to ND Safety Cert – (Appliance Only / Full Site)

9) Plus background work to get ready for Unvented Hotwater Cylinder Certificate.

Other iPhone and iPad New Features

1) Easy link to the Gas Rate Calculator direct from Certificates.

2) When you select the tick box ‘Job Address is the same as Customers’ the software checks to see if there is an existing Job Address record before creating one. (this is to help stop duplicates)

3) Fixed Small bug with Warning Advice Notice.

4) Updated Email Send message when there is no internet connection.

5) CD/11 Part 2 – for the ‘Tick if Passed’ you can now make this blank again.

6) iPhone 6 Plus is now showing the times on the calendar events.

7) Added 9 new variables to the Email templates.

8) Updated the warning advice notice to match current regulations. (Is At Risk tick box)

9) Fixed alignment for Payment method drop down on landscape iPhone 4.

10) Calendar now opens on today’s date.

11) Gas Rate Calculator update, when you push stop you can restart from the same time.

12) Loading symbol is the correct orientation if the iPad is upside down or landscape.

13) You can now add customers from the Customer screen just off the Home screen.

14) Fix for the Send Email Screen on the iPad when in landscape.

15) Fix for CD/11 Call Type Bug.

16) Plus background work to get ready for Unvented Hotwater Cylinder Certificate.

As always if you have any questions please let us know.

I hope you find these updates useful.