Custom Job Status, Improved Searching and Ordering

by | Sep 8, 2015 | Gas Engineer Software

It has been a very busy few weeks and we have made some major improvements to your software.

We have had a large number of people asking for ways to manage their jobs better on the website. Because of this we have added a Job Status field so you can see exactly which state any job is in.

You can update the Job Status on the Job Details screen.

And then you can see and filter on the Job List screen.

You can also enter customised Job Statuses, by clicking on the ‘Settings’ tab, then on the ‘Service Reminders and Email Templates’ option.

And you will see a button in the bottom left hand side called ‘Job Status’

Other Updates

1) Improved Searching and ordering of Customers, Jobs, Job Addresses and Invoices.

2) ND Catering – Updated with a couple of corrections

3) Fixed Paid watermark issues on some paid invoices / Not showing Paid if there is nothing to pay.

4) Gas Service Record – Updated with a couple of corrections

5) Gas Warning / Advice Notice – Updated

6) Invoice Download file – Small corrections to column headings

7) Calendar Items now shown in Black if that option is selected under the ‘Settings\Text Colour’

8) Job Sheet ability to select the Engineers name for the Job Sheet

9) Customer title a much larger range of possible titles

10) Updated CD/11 with a couple of corrections

11) Invoice now allows negative values for manually entering discounts

I hope you find this helpful.