August 2022 Updates

by | Aug 22, 2022 | Gas Engineer Software

Web Portal Updates
(Current version 1.44.13)

  • Fixed symbols processing leading to an error
  • Divided silent push events by type
  • Fixed list of active tokens of the user in the admin panel
  • Fixed title field receiving random characters when pulled onto Records
  • Introduced changes to support remote database upload
  • Added workaround for testing sign-up on dev/staging environments
  • Disable or provide work around for CAPTCHA on staging environment
  • Added the ability to remotely prompt a database upload
  • Divided silent push events by type
  • Fix for parsing email alias’
  • Introduced fix for alias loop fault
  • Information provided rg. trial is now worded for 14 days
  • Deprecated old style dynamodb logs
  • Fixed some API requests missing from Kibana
  • Fixed Rabbit processing capacity
  • Fixed DB request failing on non-latin symbols in the search bar

      iOS App Updates
(Current version 5.17.7)

  • Added the ability to mark an invoice as DRC from the app
  • This release also introduces changes to improve the stability of the software
  • Introduced improvements to the sync process which will greatly improve the reliability

Android App Updates
urrent version 6.14.7)
  • We’ve introduced changes which will improve support for some FGA devices
  • Fixed some rare cases in which data was not saved upon leaving a record before completion
  • Fixed issues that arose when amending the date and inspection due on Gas Safety records
  • App will now automatically sync after updating user details following sign-up
  • This release also introduces improvements to the stability of the software
  • Fixed cases in which the app would display a ‘sync error’ during a silent sync
  • Fixed photos taken within the app not retaining their correct rotation
  • App will now automatically update calendar events during a silent sync
  • Improved the stability of the software based on user feedback