Five New Certs on the Android Apps
It’s been a very busy few weeks, we have had major update to the Android App with the iPhone and iPad Apps to follow within a few days with the same update.
Over and above adding new features we also spend a lot of time and resources making sure everything is running smoothly 24 hours/ 7 days a week. This includes patching our servers to protect against the Shellshock bug and other issues.
As requested we have now added a number of Non Domestic Certificates to the Android Apps – Bring the total number of certificates available to a massive 18 different certificates and records.
New Certificates
1) Non Domestic Gas Safety Record
2) Leisure Industry Gas Safety Record
3) Liquefied Petroleum Gas Safety Record
4) Non Domestic Testing and Purging Record
5) Minor Electrical Works Certificate
Thanks for all of your feedback and help improving the software.
And I am sorry we have not been able to do all of the requests.